How to make the migration of my domain to Alveni Cloud



To make the transfer of your domain managed with another provider to Alveni Cloud, you have to perform the following process.




1.- To make the migration of your domain towards a new hosting provider that in this case would be Alveni Cloud you have to ask your provider to cancel it.


To download the domain cancellation form with your current provider, click on the link below.




2.- Once requested the cancellation of the domain, your provider must provide the transfer codes which Alveni Cloud will need to be able to migrate your domain to our hosting.

3.- Once you have provided the transfer codes you must send them to Alveni Cloud to proceed with the transfer of the domain. In all cases, you must pay one more year of registration with Alveni Cloud at the time of transfer of each domain, at the current Alveni Cloud rates.

Note: In order to carry out the domain transfer it is necessary to backup all the information of your current hosting before proceeding with said transfer, since Alveni Cloud is not responsible for lost information (this includes emails, Databases, WEB site , images, etc.)

4.- Once authorized the transfer of your domain, Alveni Cloud will become the administrator of the domain, and will be the new administrator of your domain (Register). Therefore, any configuration, change and / or payment related to the domain will be the responsibility of the new provider (Registrar).


Important terms:

- Register - Is the name of the domain administrator company. It is the company that configures the DNS servers to which the domain points, and to whom the domain must be paid / renewed.

- Registrant - Is the name of the person who bought the domain, to whom the domain is registered and, therefore, owner of it.

- Transfer codes - They are generated by the current Registrar and are provided to the new Registrar for him to make the request for transfer of a domain.


More information:


Once the aforementioned changes have been made and the Registrar has changed, Alveni Cloud will be responsible for it and any request that involves your domain will have to be made to your new provider in this case, Alveni Cloud. The DNS should be changed at the time of making the change request to Register or when it has already been migrated since where was your hosting service will no longer be responsible for them.